Friday, December 24, 2010

Do You Know The Facts of India !!

1. India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous civilization.

2. India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

3. India is the world's largest democracy.

4. Varanasi, also known as Benares, was called "the ancient city" when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C.E, and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.

5. India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

6. The World's first university was established in Takshashila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

7. Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.

8. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our civilization.

9. Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth.

10. The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindhu 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'.

11. Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century) 365.258756484 days.

12. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.

13. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10**53(10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera 10**12(10 to the power of 12).

14. IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.

15. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.

16. According to Saka King Rudradaman I of 150 CE a beautiful lake called Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya's time.

17. Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.

18. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipment were used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.

19. When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).

20. The four religions born in India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.

21. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

22. India is one of the few countries in the World, which gained independence without violence.

23. India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.

24. India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.

25. India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indigenously.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RAKTHA CHARITRA - Writing History in Bollywood !!

This movie "RAKTHA CHARITRA" shows you the real Picture of the Time of Andhra Pradesh between 1975-2005. Unlike other factionism movies which are based on some cooked up stories, this movie is based on true life story of a Leader, who evolves from People living in General Society.

Paritala Ravindra in Real

Raktha Charitra shows the complete saga of the Parital Ravi's family history and their fight against "Bada Babus". It was the time when People's life was worth of a "Penny". Where goonda raj reign supreme. Where men are butchered and women abducted and raped. Where the police obey the orders of the goons. Where guns, swords, bombs, knives and sharp weapons are a man's best

When people were burnt alive!! - still from Movie

Vivek as Paritala Ravi !!- still from Movie

It starts when Ravi's Father Sriramulu, who was a emerging leader in weaker section of society was killed (1975) by his own community person under political greed from “Bada Babus” . It was invisible truth that this was done by the Bada Babus in fear of losing in upcoming elections.

Ravi's Father Killed while returning from Court - Still Scean from Movie

Ravi's Younger Brother takes his Father's place and starts working for people. He and few other people who were angry against the “Bada Babus”, decides & starts to taking revenge. But even Ravi's elder brother was also killed (1982) in Encounter by local Police officials under the influence of “Bada Babus”.

Vivek as Paritala Ravi, taking oth to kill who killed his familly !!- still from Movie

After this incident of losing his Father and Elder Brother, Ravi decides to fight against “Bada Babus” for revenge and help the society too. Ravi starts killing each & everyone who were involved in killing of his Father & Brother. The Name of the Movie “Raktha Charitra” signifies the “History of Bloody Violence of Killing People for a Revenge or Power”. In the movie, killing starts from Ravi’s Father and goes on increasing in this battle of violence. Entire movie will thrill you and gone make you to stick to the chair as you don’t know what is gone happen in next moment. This movie is made in 2 parts and next part is set to release on 19th November 2010. One thing is sure.. I can’t tell how excited I am and waiting for the next part to be released.

RGV - Ram Gopal Verma - Man behind RAKTHA CHARITRA, Most violent movie of the Bollywood History

Based on the various reviews and critics RGV have received on this movie, it is fact that this Movie is the MOST VIOLENT ever made in India Cinema History. With this movie Ram Gopal Verma had proved his capabilities of Directing Movies. RGV had already given many hits starting SATYA & SARKARRAJ etc.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10 things men should never ask women

David DeAngelo, author of "Double Your Dating", says there is nothing worse than making mistakes that will later be regretted and one way to avoid them is to remember the following, reported.

First of all, a man should never ask a woman if he can kiss her, as she will only say, a man should never "ask" for a kiss.

Asking her for a kiss will only make a man look like a boy, which is what a woman is not interested in, and even if she says "yes", it could mean she is just being polite, while on the inside her attraction meter will read a firm, "No".

Secondly, a man should never ask a woman if he can take her out on a date sometime, as she would like to be with a man who is a leader and in control, not someone who asks her permission to hit on her.

A man should confidently ask a woman out, by simply saying, "We should hang out... what's your number?" or tell her about a specific place he wants to take her to.

Thirdly, a man should never brag about the car he has or the kind of house he lives in, as it would seem like he is trying hard to impress her.

Women would be far more impressed by a man's material possessions if he does not mention them in conversation.

The Fourth thing a man should never ask a woman is what she wants to do for the night, as she likes a "man with a plan".

The man needs to have a game plan before he calls her, so as to ensure that she will not be burdened with having to think about what to do.

Fifthly, a man should never ask a woman if she likes him, as this is one phrase that turns off a woman completely.

He should just assume that she likes him, and never ask the question, as it would look like he has no confidence.

The Sixth tip is that a man should never ask a woman why she never answered his message, as one, it would show that he cared she did not reply back, and two, it would give her a guilt trip, which is seen as insecurity by women.

The Seventh tip is that a man should never ask a woman how men she has slept with, as this shows that he is suffering from insecurity.

The Eighth tip is that a man should never hint at a future date with a woman he has just met, as she not only wants but needs a guy who is somewhat of a "challenge", and will lose interest if she senses she has won.

The Ninth tip is that a man should never end a phone conversation with a woman with a "next step", as firstly it would kill any spontaneity by being predictable, and secondly he would kill any chances of her calling him.

The Tenth tip is that a man should never talk bad about a woman's guy friends especially if he hasn't met them and doesn't know her very well, as this is the fastest way for her to mark him as "insecure".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ganapati Bappa Moriya !!

Ganesha Chaturthi also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi is the Hindu festival of Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, who is believed to bestow his presence on earth for all his devotees in the duration of this festival. It is the birthday of Lord Ganesha who is widely worshipped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune.

Ganapathi (Ganesh) 2010

This is 58 Feet's High Idol, which is Tallest Idol placed in the Andhra Pradesh, a state in India. Ganesh Idol always holds "LADDU" on his Left Hand. Though the Idol is made of PoP(Plaster of Paris) but the Laddu placed in his hand is real. On the day of Nimarjan, the LADDU is Auctioned. Local Residents show Interest to buy this Laddu. This year the highest amount paid for this Laddu in Hyderabad City was 6 Lakhs Rupee ($12500). Buyers believe that by buying this LADDU, it brings Blessings, Health & Wealth to Home.

Ganesh in Lightnings @ 2009

The festival is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period). The date usually falls between 20 August and 15 September. The festival lasts for 10 days, ending on Anant Chaturdashi (fourteenth day of the waxing moon period).

Nimerjan : A Journey to Immersion of Ganesh into Water.

In only Hyderabad City of India, there are around 30,000 Ganesh Idols staged across Hyderabad City. These Idols are Immersed in Water on 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th day from the day it has been staged. It has been reported that Today, 22nd Sep 2010 there are more than 13000 Idols are Immersed in Hyderabad City. The same story Applies to Mumbai and other States which I have mentioned above.

Nimerjan: A Journey in other City.

Immersion: This how now Ganesh is being Immersed in Water using Techno..

Dahi Handi: This is one of the Famous Game which being played since ages celebrating the Ganesh Birthday. Few call them as Human Pyramid.

Jai Bolo Ganesh Maharaj ki... JAI !!!!

Pingali Venkayya, an Unhonoured Personality in India !!

Pingali Venkayya (Telugu: పింగళి వెంకయ్య) (August 2, 1876 - July 4, 1963) was the designer of the Indian national flag. He was born in Bhatlapenumarru, near Masulipatnam or the present day Machilipatnam of Andhra Pradesh, India to Hanumantharayudu and Venkataratnamma. After high school at Machlipatnam, he went to Colombo to complete his Senior Cambridge. On returning to India, he worked as a railway guard, then as a government employee at Bellary, and later moved to Lahore to join the Anglo-Vedic college to study Urdu and Japanese.

He was an accomplished person on many fronts. He was immensely knowledgeable in geology and obtained a doctorate in it. He was an authority on diamond mining in Andhra Pradesh and was popularly known as 'Diamond Venkayya'. He also specialised in agriculture and spent most of his fortune in experimenting with ginger plantations in Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh. He served in the British Indian army during the Anglo-Boer wars in South Africa. It was there he came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi and was influenced by his ideology.

The years 1921-31 constitute a heroic chapter in not only Pingali Venkayya's life but also in the history of the freedom struggle of Andhra. The AICC met at a historic two day session at Bezwada (March 31 and April 1, 1921). It was at this session that this frail middle aged gentleman, Pingali, approached Gandhi with the flag he designed for India. Pingali?s flag was made of two colours, red and green representing the two major communities of the country. Thus the Indian flag was born but it was not officially accepted by any resolution of the All India Congress Committee. Gandhi?s approval made it popular and it was hoisted at all Congress sessions. Hansraj of Jallandar suggested the representation of the charkha, symbolising progress and the common man. Gandhi amended, insisting on the addition of a white strip to represent the remaining minority communities of India.

Artical on Pingali Venkayya (Telugu Version)

Interpreting the colours chosen for the national flag, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan explained the saffron colour denoted renunciation or disinterestedness of political leaders towards material gains in life. The white depicted enlightenment, lighting the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green symbolised our relation to the soil, to the plant life here on which all other life depends. The Ashoka wheel in the centre of the white strip represented the law of dharma.

Speaking philosophically, he remarked that the national flag ought to control the principles of all those who worked under it. The wheel denoted motion and? India should no more resist change as there was death in stagnation?. Pingali Venkayya, the illustrious visionary, the designer of the national flag died, unhonoured on July 4, 1963, in conditions of poverty. It was only a few years ago that his daughter began to receive pension from the government. There is not even a memorial in his hometown Machilipatnam to the man who brought such glory to Andhra. Even the original house has been razed to the ground.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Unknown Message of Nazca Drawings

Some Specialists believe that the world's largest astronomical
calendar was drawn by the Nazcas on the dry plains of southern
Peru. While others believe that the lines drawn on the expansive
wastes are huge birds, animals and geometric figures. What
exactly do these lines signify - nobody knows. Yet they are laid
across the desert by the Nazca Indians 1,500 years ago - even long
before man could fly, although now-a-days it is crossed by the Pan
American Highway.

The Nazca region lies between the Pacific coast of Southern
Peru and the Andean foothills. The entire region is made up of
strange lines - some in geometric shapes, some in the shape of
animals and birds. The lines and pattern on the desert floor seems
to be the work of a mad geometrician and a giant. This is one of the
most baffling aspect. The archaeology and the archaeologists
have no satisfactory answers.

Maria Reiche, who spent her entire life
studying the mysterious Nazca lines.

Despite all the research, no plausible explanation has been
offered. On the other hand it has facilitated the birth of
innumerable suppositions and superstitions. Some people
believe that these drawings must have been made by unknown
extra-terrestrial beings. While others point out that the Peruvian
desert was being used as an astroport by space craft thousands of
years ago.

The lines are more bewildering as sometimes lines could
only be seen from an altitude of above 1,000 ft. and some designs
are so closely intermingled, that they give a picture of some sciencefiction
novel. In addition to these drawings and incomprehensible lines, the Nazca region has almost experienced no rain for 10,000 years. But this apparently has been due to a scientific reason - the cool prevailing winds from the ocean could hardly pick up the moisture from the chilly waters of the Humboldt current.
Furthermore, the erosion on the slopes of Peru is quite similar to
the space probes on Mars. To test it scientifically, the NASA
(National Aeronautical and Space Administration) has sent a
team of scientists to study the erosion and the possibility of life on

Made out of only one line a fifty yards long spider's web

It was only in 1941 that these mysterious, enigmatic lines
attracted attention. Dr. Paul Kosok of Long Island University was
the first one to examine the land. He examined the plain from the
plane and named the unique area as "the largest astronomy book
in the world"

His work was followed by a German mathematician and
astronomer, Maria Reiche. She studied the area for more than 30
years and is now 70 years old. She criss-crossed it step by step on
triangular, quadrangular, or parallel lines and sometimes on zig
zags. She researched exhuastively and drew the conclusion that
tons of small stones must have been moved to create the outlines
of each line. And the positioning must have been done in webaccordance
with a calculated plan. To draw lines, she proposed the theory that they must have stretched strings from posts. These posts are still visible. And the carbon -14 method has dated these post back to A.D. 500. Maria Reiche also found out from the
designs the unit of measurement that the Nazcas must have used.

The two members of the International Explorers Society of
Coral Gables, Florida based their ideas on a painted Nazca
ceramics. These two members - Julian Knott and Jim Woodman,
said that the pieces of pottery invariably depicted an airshipThese
two men along with some other members believed that Nazcas
could not have composed such complicated designs without
having an aerial view.

Some other researchers have tried to reason out the secret of
Nazcas by studying tombs in the Paracas region. They believe that
the nearby site, Necropolis, dates to the same period and was used
as the burial place for nobles and priests.In the excavation, about
400 mummies, wrapped in shrouds and elaborate cloaks have
been found. The date of their burial is estimated to be about 2000
years ago.

Some Peruvian archaeologists share the views of Paul Korok
and Maria Reiche. They agree that Nazca drawings are an astronomical calendar. It is also presumed by some scholars that the Nazcas used to read the news of different weather signs from the flight patterns of seabird. In fact, Indians of Peru still believe in the magical powers of animals and they see the shapes of these
animals in the stars. A few theorists believe that the figures of the
desert zoo are reproductions of the shapes made by groups of
stars. Another theory is that they could have been the magical
religious cult expressed in a theatrical ritual.

Of the reason behind triangular, trapezoidal or
quadrangular 'runway' opinions differ. According to some they
were places of assembly. Others believe that they must have been
astronomical observations. And according to some it would have
been a ground, guided by the spirits. Another group believes that
burnt offerings were made to the Nazca Gods there. There are
innumerable beliefs. Theorists have not arrived on a single
platform for agreement.

Astronomer Gerald S. Hawkins used computer in 1960 to
check the astronomical interpretation of the Nazca Complex. The
result was disappointing. The computer totally negated the
research of so many years. It proved that Nazca lines were not
designed as a calendar.

The question still remains - what did these unique lines
signify? However, Peru government has taken precaution to
avoid spoiling these designs. It has banned walking or driving
over the area except by special permission. The tourists are
allowed to see the enigma from a roadside observation tower.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Rail runs through it..

Imagin you are travelling in Train which has NO Cabin, Windows, Doors, Washrooms, Ticket Collectors, Thiefs... Only Fresh Air !!

YES, checkout the Train built up by Locals of Cambodia. I would say it's Best Ever utilization by Human for their needs where Govt also helps by ignoring these practieces by locals. Trust me Every one of us would definatly love to take a ride on this Train to feel the fresh air in country like Cambodia.

This Bamboo Train can accomdate around 20-25 people and runs at a speed of 10-20kmph. Kerosine is used to run the engine and uses the rail track. Imagin while travelling in this Bamboo Train, if you come across with Big & Original Train? Check out this vedio.

A trip in this train does not cost you much if you compare it with Indian economy. I wish we can replicate the same in India. I know our Govt does not entertain General Public Happiness !!

So Just watch it and Enjoy !!

The Telangana Rebellion

The Telangana Rebellion was a Communist led peasant revolt that took place in the former princely state of Hyderabad between 1946 and 1951. This was led by the Communist Party of India.

The revolt began in the Nalgonda district and quickly spread to the Warangal and Bidar districts. Peasant farmers and labourers revolted against the Nizam and the local feudal landlords (jagirdars and deshmukhs) who were loyal to the Nizam. The initial modest aims were to do away with the illegal and excessive exploitation meted out by these feudal lords in the name of bonded labour. The most strident demand was for the writing off of all debts of the peasants that were manipulated by the feudal lords.

Nizam's resistance to join Indian Union

At the same time the Nizam was resisting the Indian government's efforts to bring the Hyderabad state into the Indian Union. The government sent the army in September 1948 to annex the Hyderabad state into Indian Union. The Communist party instigated the peasants to use guerrilla tactics and around 3000 villages (about 41000 sq. kilometres) came under peasant-rule. The landlords were either killed or driven out and the land was redistributed. These victorious villages established communes reminiscent of Soviet mir (social)s to administer their region. These community governments were integrated regionally into a central organization. The rebellion was led by the Communist Party of India under the banner of Andhra Mahasabha.
Few among the well-known individuals at the forefront of the movement were great leaders like Puchalapalli Sundaraiah, Makineni Basavapunaiah , Chandra Rajeswara Rao, Raavi Narayana Reddy, Arjula Ramana Reddy, the Urdu poet Makhdoom Mohiuddin, Sulaiman Areeb, Hassan Nasir, Bhimreddy Narasimha Reddy, Mallu Venkata Narasimha Reddy , Mallu Swarajyam , Arutla Ramchandra Reddy and his wife Arutla Kamala Bai.
The violent phase of the movement ended in 1951 after the accession of Hyderabad into the Indian Union. This was the time when Razzakar Movement was started by Nizams, which was very violent and was also responsible for forcible conversions of religion.

Annexation of Hyderabad State

The rebellion and the subsequent police action lead to the liberation of Hyderabad state from the Nizam's rule on 17 September 1948 and the dominion was merged into Indian Union eventually. Elections of 1952 led to the victory of Congress Party in Hyderabad state. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao was first chief minister of the Hyderabad state from 1952 to 1956.
And in 1956, Hyderabad State was merged with the Andhra state to form the present day Andhra Pradesh State..

In popular Culture

• Krishan Chander's famous Hindi/Urdu novella "Jab Khet Jage" was based on the Telangana Rebellion. Film-maker Gautam Ghose gained acclaim 1979 when he used the story as the basis for his first feature film, the Telugu language "Ma Bhoomi".
• "Bandenka Bandi Katti" is a famous song of the rebellion, written by Suddala Hanmanthu (Father of Suddala Ashok Teja, National award winner), and was known more as Bandi Hanmanthu

Friday, July 2, 2010

Me, Myself and Office Mates...

Known as - Geetesh


Srinivas and Myself

Myself and Eslin

My way of working at my desk !!

Geetesh @ 2007

Monday, May 3, 2010

First Major Surgery

It was Monday 8th March between 3:30 to 4:00 PM when it started paining at Right-Lower abdominal. It was Normal and small pain which started and was going to be continues. I was not able to sit for long time in chair and concentrate on my work as the pain started increasing. Intially I thought this could be due to Gas, Kidney or Motion problem. When Praveen and myself started a discussion on what is causing this pain, possibility of Gas Trouble ruled out as Pain due to Gas Trouble happens above Abdomen and Below Chest region. Option of Stones in Kidney ruled out because pain due to stones in Kidney happens around back side of your west either on right or left side. Option of Motion ruled out as I knew and finally the only option left out was "Appendix Pain". We did not knew where it happens in body but knew that it happens somewhere near our Stomach.

Around 6:30 PM, I Spoke to Sateesh and informed him that I am not feeling well and want to leave for home and He agreed for the same. Now next biggest challenge for me was "How to go Home Back?" I sent an email to Balaji for a Cab to drive back home stating my health condition. I got cab at 9:00 PM and started to home. It was 9:50 PM when I reached home, My head was banging like anything and Stomach was helping in making my day worst. I took Anacin Tablet which is for Headache and soon after I fell asleep. Anacin is kind of pain killer, may be that is the reason, this tablet suppressed Headache and Pain in stomach also.

Admitted in Yashodha Hospital

Around 1:00 AM in midnight and I woke up again and that is when I started having real pain which I was not able to control. From 1 to 2 AM, I was just ling on bed by changing many posture all around the bed, also did drink glass of water but still could not manage to bear it. Around 2:30 AM I had vomiting after which I felt little bit relaxed but it did not stand long. After 15 mins it started paining again. The pain was showing miserable and I was waiting for Morning so that we can go to Doctor in our location. I did want to disturb my parents because it was midnight and did not wanted to tense them in this odd time. But around 3:00 AM Pain went beyond my control and I had to wake my parents. My dad rushed to get a Auto to go to Hospital. Soon he returned with Auto and We started for Hospital. We rushed to Yashoda Hospital Secunderabad at 3:40 AM.

I was taken to Emergency Ward where we reported Pain in Lower right abdominal with Vomiting. Doctor suspected and told that this could be Appendix pain. They collected the Blood sample to find the Blood Group. They found Sugar level 147, which is very high compare to Diabetics patient. They gave me Pain killer injections and asked me take rest on bed. Soon around 4:45 they took me for ultrasound Scan Test for confirming. I was fine, able to walk on my own and talk as in normal days... They brought wheal Chair and asked me to sit in order to go to Ultrasound Scan Room. I refused to sit and told that I am happy to walk as its just couple of steps from here, but Nurse "Smijju" refused and forced me to sit. I felt odd when I was sitting in Wheelchair as of old man of 99 years who cannot walk at all. In 15 scan was done and we were back to emergency ward. Doctors confirmed that its clear case of appendix and left 2 options, First to go for operation to eliminate the Appendix from my body and Second to take medicines to control the pain and Appendix too but cannot give guarantee when it will revert back and if reverts back then it would be very saviour. And if we are away from City then this could be more worse now.


My parents decided to go for First option i.e Eliminating it by Operation. Doctors were ready to operate today around 11 AM. I Called my friend Sudhir who was still in office working Night shift, to get my Insurance Number which was saved in my computer. Quoted the Insurance ID and processed the Operation under the insurance coverage. I got operated at 1:00 PM for 45-60 Mins and shifted to Post Operation Ward where I Kept under observation with Respiration Support and Glucose until anesthesia effect was decreased. Post surgery I had to live on Glucose liquid for 5 days... No Food, No Tea, No Biscuit Nor Juice..... Only on Glucose Liquid. Since Operation I was lying on Bed.... which I did not like at all. I can't bend, sit nor walk.... Now That Sucks !!!!

Medicines were also very horrible experience... Every Morning and Evening I was given Antibiotic and Painkiller Injections injected through nerves where Glucose was already being injected.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Last Message.... (while leaving Keane)

Hi All,

I knew that someday I have to send this mail but didn’t knew that it will be so early.

Yes, today is my last working day in Keane. I am excited about my new career with JDA Software but also sad for leaving Keane where I have spent my 3.6 yrs which include lot of joyful memories. My career in Keane has taught me many things which are not CREDIBLE and INIMITABLE. I am happy that I have been working with many people in CORP IT who were & are magnificent. Even though I am leaving this organization, I do not want to break our friendship and in future we will be in touch.

I would like to especially thank my Team Members & my Manager(s) for their Love & Support.

Like my job in Keane, I will always be helpful in future for anything and am reachable @ 99660XXXXX.

I wish every one of you best wishes for your future career.





Remote Desktop Support, Internal Client Services

Corporate IT

+1.617.517.1807 direct

+8.100.1807 VoIP

Keane, India Ltd.

Cyber Pearl, Hitec City

Madhapur, Hyderabad-81

Note: Please Contact the IT Helpline at 8100 4000 24*5 for any helpdesk related Queries.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My First Job !!

19th Sep 2004 is most important day in my life. Yes, that's when I stepped into Professional Life. This was my first day of my First Job. I was hired for Sutherland Global Services Ltd as Technical Support Representative and posted to Chennai based office. Chennai was my decision because my brother was already staying there. I was very excited about this job as I was about to begin a new chapter in my life and that is called Professional Life. It was my First day called "Induction Day" where all the joining formalities are handled and processed. We instructed to wear White Shirt and Dark Pant. I reached around 11:00 AM but was supposed to reach at 9:00 AM. As it was New City and was not aware of Roads and addresses. I was shocked when I saw more than 1000-1500 people like me sitting in open hall waiting for "Induction". It was very beautiful to see so many people "Boys" with White Shirt and Dark Pants.

After Induction we were put into Training for Soft & Communication Skills. They formed batches of 20 People and scheduled 6 Weeks training program. After training period we were evaluated and decided whether we are fit for JOB or not. Finally all of us cleared and was asked to report at Santhome Office for further process or for Project allocation. This was worst experience of my life. Not sure what went wrong in Company but I could sense many people were in deep trouble. Rumours were that the Suth Hired many people expecting a big project which was about to come to company but in final stages we lost it. Now biggest challenge for company was what to do with Freshly recruited people. They were not is Hundreds they were in thousand, there were around 1000 people who were hired for the same. We were asked to report at various office of Suth in Tidal Park, Santhome, Velachery etc. Every time we went there were only handful people who were selected and rest hundreds were sent back. This went on for 3 months from Sept to Dec. Finally we, group of Telugu boys decided to leave back to Hyderabad as it was not helping us in anyway staying without salary in Chennai. We decided to have a word with HR Head who was also from Hyderabad thought she can help in anyway. That meeting turned out fruitful and she asked us to report Velachery Office.

As instructed we group of People reported at Velachery Office and we were placed in HP Tech Support Process. They started the Technical training and for 2 weeks and on 27th Dec We pushed on floor for taking calls with out any Experience. We were told that they are taking us to show the Floor and will listen to live calls for couple of hours. Whole Picture changed when they asked to grab a Headset from Box located in corner of the floor and were handed over to our respective Team Leader. My TL just me to follow him and walked me to last desk in his row where a phone was free and asked to me connect my headset to phone. Once I connected the Headset, he just simply pressed some button quickly, Phone Rang and TL asked me to pick up the call. My Mind was like in BlackHole.... I was not able to think for some time... We were told that it is Just visit of floor... but they making us to take calls for which we were mentally Not Ready......

Taken while working on HP Floor in Velachery Office

On my behalf my TL press the answered button and said read the opening script. I was still not able to understand what to do.... In seconds My face and body was wet with sweat even though AC was running at 24 Degree C. My TL shouted again "Read the dam Opening Script, Customer is listening to you". That was True, Customer was saying... "Hello Hello... anybody there...". I gathered all my Strength and start reading the our HP Opening Script. "Thank for calling HP Total Care, Today its my goal to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our support, While I am helping you, please let me know if you need me to slow down or repeat any statement.... etc etc..." - Not sure if this was the correct statement... its more than 5 yrs now I have recollected it. Since this day I was WORKING in Company. Very soon I was comfortable in answering calls and troubleshooting issues over phone. While working I came to know the real CallCenter environment.

Photo taken while working with IHD Team.

Trust me it is not easy to work in CallCenter. For People it looks a very fashionable job but People who Work understands what is a Real CallCenter Job. In order to work in Call center, one need lot of patients, Should be able to handle pressure, should be able manage the him self, should be able work in Night which is most difficult
part. It was Christmas season which I started taking calls on Floor. HP had told that in Jan there will lot calls as Sales of computers increased in Dec due to Christmas. It turned out true and on Jan 1st and 2nd We saw call trend jumped 40% compared regular trend in last few months. Now Suth had to increase the staff so that this excess calls can be answered. They rolled out 6th Day Working Program for 6 Weeks to cover the excess calls. According to this process, associate who are willing to work on 6th day for 6 weeks, they will be paid 20K extra. Many of the
associates worked and made good use of this program. Even I did and with this 20K, I bought my First Laptop. Though Laptop was 30K, rest I converted in EMI. I bought Acer Travelmate 2304 laptop in Feb 2005 with set of Sound system of Adcom 2500 PMPO. This was like buying a Home Theater for our room. We (My Brother Ravi, Roommates Kiran, Jaypal and ____ ) were very excited.

Days passed and after 6 months of time, I planned to move to Internal Helpdesk Team hoping more technical work then being very limited in HP Process. I spoke to my Manager and Applied under IJP (Internal Job Posting) process. Finally I got through and started working for Sutherland Internal Helpdesk called IHD. It was also great team to work with and job responsibilities. While working in IHD I started feeling Home Sick as my brother also left Chennai and was all alone with my roommates. I started making up my mind to start searching a job in Hyderabad. I updated my Resume in Naukri and with in 1 week i got a call from Keane which turned out my Second Job !!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music..

World Science Festival, Filmed Jun 2009; Posted Mar 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Banglore Trip - Day 1

It was now my turn to walkin into Banglore office to train our new fellows in our new office. I was secheduled for a week training from 1st Feb to 06th Feb. Though it was my second visit to bangalore but it will first time i will see bangalore properlly. My flight was secheduled to arrive at 7:30 AM but landed at 8:00 AM. This happened due to unwanted 'Time Pass" in Air as our flight was in 5th position in the list of Flights which were about to land.

1st Feb 2010
Anyway I reached Office directly from Airport insted of Hotel. After travelling for 1 hr 30 mins in Traffic I had to run to office directly as I was running out of time as per my sechedlued Training Plan. I had a Grand Welcome by Andrew (My Project Director) in New office, even he was just week old in this new office. We walked into his cabin and started having discussion about Teams status.

We found that there is lot of hard work which needs to be done to build up our team. Let me tell you we started working right from the moment we came out of that meeting. I knew what needs to be done and I jumped into my work...

After a day's work, around 11:00 PM we decided to Hotel. We were lucky that Dining hall was not closed but was about to close, we were last "Lucky" cutomer whom they servered dinner. We had Dinner and decided to have a Beer. We then moved to Bar counter and we again turned out be "Lucky" last customer. We have to order 2-2 mugs of Beer and move our self out of Bar and sit in Open garden lawn. It was very chilled outside.. I was shiverring like anything and on to that i was having Chilled Beer. I know i am Crazy sometimes but i love to be like this... this what I am...

Fianlly by 1:00 AM we finished our beer with some "Corporate Discussion", Andrew had very importent call to attend.. he had to call his Family and Infact I also had very very very import work to complete... that is Sleeping. I came back to my room, called up Alarm Service in Hotel and asked to wake me up at 8:00 AM in Morning.

By the way it was my first experience in 5/3 Star hotel, My room was good, it had big LCD TV, Soft Bed, Flurocent Lights on Walls.

On all, I liked the room and was good to stay for a week.

2nd Day of Working...

2nd Feb 2010

Morning 8:00 I woke up with wake up call by a lady's sweet voice. Well what a way to start a day... Called up Andrew... he was like asking Why did i called him so early in morning... I told him that we thought of meeting today by 9:00 in lobby for breakfast. He remembered and thanked for the wake call :) at 9:05 Am we met in lobby and had breakfast to gather till 9:45 AM with day's things to do. I had to checkout from the hotel as my company had booked another hotel called Royal Orchid Suits near Whitefield. we directly left to Office my language for my second day of work. We started our day with short discussion, deciding what to do today. I started working on my day's work, around 11:00 AM my Boss Sateesh landed into Office from Hyderabad to make this process more better as few things were not clear...... at around 11:00 PM we (Me & Sateesh) called end of the day and left to hotel. My room number was 904 and Sateesh got Room Number 704....

Sateesh called me to his room after freshup, he had some reports to be prepared and needed me with him to complete it. We were starving like anything.... and our bad luck by the time we reached hotel restaurant was closed. We met in Sateesh room and ordered Sandwiches....yaaakkkkk......... but no other go... we ordered through In-Room dinning Service.. he told us that this will take 30 mins..... I was about faint when i heard that..... this was not good and I started sneaking into Mini Fridge in Sateesh room and the only thing I found was Pint of Beer of Carlsberg..... I quickly grabed and opened without any delay. After discussion of 30 mins finally Hotel buy landed up with our Bread piece....... though it was sandwich... Yaaakkkkk....... we had to eat to keep our stomach quite...... around 12:30 or 1:00 AM i left for my room and slept.

3rd Day of Working...

3rd feb 2010

Me and Sateesh met in lobby for breakfast at 9:00 AM and started to office at 9:30 AM after finining Breakfast. by 10:20 AM we reached after 45 Mins of "swimming" in Bangalore Trafic. The drive from Hotel to Office is around 8-10 KM which generally takes 10 Mins only.... but due to trafic we reached in 50 Mins. I could say that No wonder "Why Glaciers are melting with such a speed..".

Anyway we started our day with our "Things to do Today" and ended our day at 12:30 AM. We ordered our Sandwich while we were starting from office so that by the time we reach hotel he can get our bread to our room and we can jump on it..... :). We reached hotel and freshed up and met in Sateesh room. By the time walked into Sateesh room, our Sandwich was already on table. I picked up my sandwich and came to my room, opened up a Beer and started Enjoying my Mid-Night Meals with Beer. Soon after it I called it end of the day on my bed.

4th Day of Working....

4th Feb 2010

Same like Wednesday 3rd Feb, we both met in lobby for breakfast at 9:00 AM and started to office at 9:35 AM after finishing Breakfast. Reached office by 10:00 AM and started working for the day. Had couple of meeting with our Teammates in Office and had Mentored team for rest of day.

Jagdish Kumar, Andrew Spear and Bill Owen in Meeting. (Left to right)

Above Photos taken with our Teammates. I had to extend our day till Midnight 1:00 AM to work with the Night Shift members and train them accordingly. Had a session with team mates for 2-3 hours and left for hotel. Again we ended up with SANDWICH Yaaakkkkhhhhhhhhhh......... offcourse with Pint of Beer.

5th Day of Working...

5th Feb 2010

Hufffff............ Its Friday..... Last day of week....... I Love it......., We were with mood of weekend with lots of work tied up for the day. Sateesh, Andrew, Jagdish and Bill had to leave for Airport for their respective flights at 6:00 PM. Infact I left for hotel at 6:00 PM and started waiting for Ravi, my brother. I was very excited beacause my brother and myself were about to have Wonderful day with lots gossips about Past, Present, Familly topics and His marriage. We always enjoy the time we spend togather, Yes.... Me, Ravi and Kingfisher.

Work the Way "U" Want !!!

Don't just Come and work in office... Work the way you feel comfortable.... I am sure you will be more productive... because you

know what you are and you know which is the best way to make most & best out of you !!

My Policy while working is to give my 100% Efforts

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010 !!

May the dawning of this New Year,

fill your heart with
new hopes,

open up new horizons
bring for you promises
brighter tomorrows.

May you have a great New Year.


What do I Drive?

This is my MIG-7717. I love this ride very much..... It gives me pleasure of riding an DUCATI or YAMAHA...... I Just simply love it !!!

I owned it in Feb-2006 and Love to retain it with me for lifetime.....