Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Unknown Message of Nazca Drawings

Some Specialists believe that the world's largest astronomical
calendar was drawn by the Nazcas on the dry plains of southern
Peru. While others believe that the lines drawn on the expansive
wastes are huge birds, animals and geometric figures. What
exactly do these lines signify - nobody knows. Yet they are laid
across the desert by the Nazca Indians 1,500 years ago - even long
before man could fly, although now-a-days it is crossed by the Pan
American Highway.

The Nazca region lies between the Pacific coast of Southern
Peru and the Andean foothills. The entire region is made up of
strange lines - some in geometric shapes, some in the shape of
animals and birds. The lines and pattern on the desert floor seems
to be the work of a mad geometrician and a giant. This is one of the
most baffling aspect. The archaeology and the archaeologists
have no satisfactory answers.

Maria Reiche, who spent her entire life
studying the mysterious Nazca lines.

Despite all the research, no plausible explanation has been
offered. On the other hand it has facilitated the birth of
innumerable suppositions and superstitions. Some people
believe that these drawings must have been made by unknown
extra-terrestrial beings. While others point out that the Peruvian
desert was being used as an astroport by space craft thousands of
years ago.

The lines are more bewildering as sometimes lines could
only be seen from an altitude of above 1,000 ft. and some designs
are so closely intermingled, that they give a picture of some sciencefiction
novel. In addition to these drawings and incomprehensible lines, the Nazca region has almost experienced no rain for 10,000 years. But this apparently has been due to a scientific reason - the cool prevailing winds from the ocean could hardly pick up the moisture from the chilly waters of the Humboldt current.
Furthermore, the erosion on the slopes of Peru is quite similar to
the space probes on Mars. To test it scientifically, the NASA
(National Aeronautical and Space Administration) has sent a
team of scientists to study the erosion and the possibility of life on

Made out of only one line a fifty yards long spider's web

It was only in 1941 that these mysterious, enigmatic lines
attracted attention. Dr. Paul Kosok of Long Island University was
the first one to examine the land. He examined the plain from the
plane and named the unique area as "the largest astronomy book
in the world"

His work was followed by a German mathematician and
astronomer, Maria Reiche. She studied the area for more than 30
years and is now 70 years old. She criss-crossed it step by step on
triangular, quadrangular, or parallel lines and sometimes on zig
zags. She researched exhuastively and drew the conclusion that
tons of small stones must have been moved to create the outlines
of each line. And the positioning must have been done in webaccordance
with a calculated plan. To draw lines, she proposed the theory that they must have stretched strings from posts. These posts are still visible. And the carbon -14 method has dated these post back to A.D. 500. Maria Reiche also found out from the
designs the unit of measurement that the Nazcas must have used.

The two members of the International Explorers Society of
Coral Gables, Florida based their ideas on a painted Nazca
ceramics. These two members - Julian Knott and Jim Woodman,
said that the pieces of pottery invariably depicted an airshipThese
two men along with some other members believed that Nazcas
could not have composed such complicated designs without
having an aerial view.

Some other researchers have tried to reason out the secret of
Nazcas by studying tombs in the Paracas region. They believe that
the nearby site, Necropolis, dates to the same period and was used
as the burial place for nobles and priests.In the excavation, about
400 mummies, wrapped in shrouds and elaborate cloaks have
been found. The date of their burial is estimated to be about 2000
years ago.

Some Peruvian archaeologists share the views of Paul Korok
and Maria Reiche. They agree that Nazca drawings are an astronomical calendar. It is also presumed by some scholars that the Nazcas used to read the news of different weather signs from the flight patterns of seabird. In fact, Indians of Peru still believe in the magical powers of animals and they see the shapes of these
animals in the stars. A few theorists believe that the figures of the
desert zoo are reproductions of the shapes made by groups of
stars. Another theory is that they could have been the magical
religious cult expressed in a theatrical ritual.

Of the reason behind triangular, trapezoidal or
quadrangular 'runway' opinions differ. According to some they
were places of assembly. Others believe that they must have been
astronomical observations. And according to some it would have
been a ground, guided by the spirits. Another group believes that
burnt offerings were made to the Nazca Gods there. There are
innumerable beliefs. Theorists have not arrived on a single
platform for agreement.

Astronomer Gerald S. Hawkins used computer in 1960 to
check the astronomical interpretation of the Nazca Complex. The
result was disappointing. The computer totally negated the
research of so many years. It proved that Nazca lines were not
designed as a calendar.

The question still remains - what did these unique lines
signify? However, Peru government has taken precaution to
avoid spoiling these designs. It has banned walking or driving
over the area except by special permission. The tourists are
allowed to see the enigma from a roadside observation tower.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Rail runs through it..

Imagin you are travelling in Train which has NO Cabin, Windows, Doors, Washrooms, Ticket Collectors, Thiefs... Only Fresh Air !!

YES, checkout the Train built up by Locals of Cambodia. I would say it's Best Ever utilization by Human for their needs where Govt also helps by ignoring these practieces by locals. Trust me Every one of us would definatly love to take a ride on this Train to feel the fresh air in country like Cambodia.

This Bamboo Train can accomdate around 20-25 people and runs at a speed of 10-20kmph. Kerosine is used to run the engine and uses the rail track. Imagin while travelling in this Bamboo Train, if you come across with Big & Original Train? Check out this vedio.

A trip in this train does not cost you much if you compare it with Indian economy. I wish we can replicate the same in India. I know our Govt does not entertain General Public Happiness !!

So Just watch it and Enjoy !!

The Telangana Rebellion

The Telangana Rebellion was a Communist led peasant revolt that took place in the former princely state of Hyderabad between 1946 and 1951. This was led by the Communist Party of India.

The revolt began in the Nalgonda district and quickly spread to the Warangal and Bidar districts. Peasant farmers and labourers revolted against the Nizam and the local feudal landlords (jagirdars and deshmukhs) who were loyal to the Nizam. The initial modest aims were to do away with the illegal and excessive exploitation meted out by these feudal lords in the name of bonded labour. The most strident demand was for the writing off of all debts of the peasants that were manipulated by the feudal lords.

Nizam's resistance to join Indian Union

At the same time the Nizam was resisting the Indian government's efforts to bring the Hyderabad state into the Indian Union. The government sent the army in September 1948 to annex the Hyderabad state into Indian Union. The Communist party instigated the peasants to use guerrilla tactics and around 3000 villages (about 41000 sq. kilometres) came under peasant-rule. The landlords were either killed or driven out and the land was redistributed. These victorious villages established communes reminiscent of Soviet mir (social)s to administer their region. These community governments were integrated regionally into a central organization. The rebellion was led by the Communist Party of India under the banner of Andhra Mahasabha.
Few among the well-known individuals at the forefront of the movement were great leaders like Puchalapalli Sundaraiah, Makineni Basavapunaiah , Chandra Rajeswara Rao, Raavi Narayana Reddy, Arjula Ramana Reddy, the Urdu poet Makhdoom Mohiuddin, Sulaiman Areeb, Hassan Nasir, Bhimreddy Narasimha Reddy, Mallu Venkata Narasimha Reddy , Mallu Swarajyam , Arutla Ramchandra Reddy and his wife Arutla Kamala Bai.
The violent phase of the movement ended in 1951 after the accession of Hyderabad into the Indian Union. This was the time when Razzakar Movement was started by Nizams, which was very violent and was also responsible for forcible conversions of religion.

Annexation of Hyderabad State

The rebellion and the subsequent police action lead to the liberation of Hyderabad state from the Nizam's rule on 17 September 1948 and the dominion was merged into Indian Union eventually. Elections of 1952 led to the victory of Congress Party in Hyderabad state. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao was first chief minister of the Hyderabad state from 1952 to 1956.
And in 1956, Hyderabad State was merged with the Andhra state to form the present day Andhra Pradesh State..

In popular Culture

• Krishan Chander's famous Hindi/Urdu novella "Jab Khet Jage" was based on the Telangana Rebellion. Film-maker Gautam Ghose gained acclaim 1979 when he used the story as the basis for his first feature film, the Telugu language "Ma Bhoomi".
• "Bandenka Bandi Katti" is a famous song of the rebellion, written by Suddala Hanmanthu (Father of Suddala Ashok Teja, National award winner), and was known more as Bandi Hanmanthu